X-Rite 518 Portable Color Reflection Spectrometer

X-Rite 518 Portable Color Reflection Spectrometer

Your Price: Discontinued
Id:XRITE 518
X-Rite 518 Portable Reflection Spectrodensitometer is a standard pressroom densitometer that is essential for 4-color press operators. Use it to help determine which press adjustments need to be made during the run.
The X-Rite 518 Spectrodensitometer combines everything you need for exceptional 4-color proofing and pressroom quality control. At the touch of a button, you get density, dot, trap, print contrast, hue error, or grayness information, all of it calculated with spectral accuracy.
Specifically developed for press environments, X-Rite's 518 Spectrodensitometer can provide everything you need for 4-colour proofing and pressroom quality control. Retrieve density, dot, trap, print contrast, hue error or greyness information at the touch of a button. Offering superb spectral accuracy, the 518 is also one of the most convenient spectrodensitometers available; less than eight inches long and weighing little over a kilo, the 518 can go wherever it's needed on the pressroom floor.

The 518 is an excellent solution for all 4-color printing operations, including sheet-fed, web press, publication printing and newsprint. A special Electronic Function SelectionTM (EFS) feature automatically identifies whether a colour bar is a solid, tint or overprint, automatically displaying the correct reading and colour being measured. EFS allows you to read an entire colour bar in seconds, and also reduces guesswork, helping you finish your print jobs more efficiently.

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